Understanding the Choice Against Plastic Beer Bottles

Beer has maintained its steadfast commitment to glass and metal containers, shying away from the ubiquity of plastic seen in other beverages like soda. This curious divergence prompts us to question the reasons behind this distinctive choice. While plastic has revolutionized our daily lives with its cost-effectiveness, adaptability, and recyclability (albeit contingent on conscientious...

Meltdowns in the World of Wine Enthusiasts

We’ve all come across them – those notorious wine aficionados who turn their noses up at anything that doesn’t come with a hefty price tag or a prestigious label. But let’s set the record straight. It’s not that every wine connoisseur can be tricked into thinking that an affordable box of white wine is...

Supercharge Your Well-Being With Leafy Greens 101

In recent times, the significance of a well-balanced diet has gained prominence. Scientific nutrition research has unveiled numerous health benefits associated with the consumption of leafy greens. Let’s dive into seven compelling studies that underscore the positive effects of incorporating more green vegetables into your diet. 7 Top Benefits Of Leafy Greens For Your...

Are Wine Connoisseur Skills a Myth or Reality?

Understanding the intricacies of a mature grape’s essence is often associated with refinement. From Hollywood’s portrayal of characters sipping on pricey wines to the infamous Hannibal Lecter’s fondness for chianti, the allure of wine sophistication remains ingrained in popular culture. But can seasoned wine experts distinguish between a Chateau Cheval Blanc 1943 and a...

Is Alcohol Evaporation Fact or Fiction in Cooking?

Today, I stumbled upon a fascinating culinary revelation: alcohol doesn’t always evaporate or “cookout” during the cooking process, as popularly believed. Given that alcohol boils at 78.5°C, much lower than water’s boiling point of 100°C, one would assume that any culinary dish exposed to heat above this threshold would be free from alcohol. But...

Why Alcohol Might Not Be Your Best Warm-Up in the Cold

Picture this: a bitterly cold evening, and someone suggests a swig of whiskey to combat the chill. It’s a widely held belief that alcohol provides warmth in cold conditions. But does it? Let’s debunk this myth for the readers of Africa Nova. The Misunderstanding Many believe that sipping on their favorite alcoholic drink can...

Canadian Roots of Hawaiian Pizza

The term “Hawaiian” was coined in 1962 by Greek-Canadian pizza maker Sam Panopoulos, who introduced the pineapple and ham toppings. Despite its disputed status, the fascinating journey of pizza involves an array of historical events and cultural influences. The story begins with Sam Panopoulos’ immigration from Greece to North America in 1956, marking a...

The Evolution of Alcohol ‘Proof’

So, What Does It Mean and How Did We Land on This Term? Flashback to England in the early 1600s. The term “proof” wasn’t as much about ensuring your Friday night drink was up to snuff as it was about the taxman getting his due. That’s right – alcohol, termed “proof spirits”, came with...

Mastering Calorie Counting in Food

Let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of calorie calculation methods, beginning with the essence of what a calorie truly represents. Picture the energy needed to raise the water temperature, and you’ve got the basic idea. Our bodies rely on the energy derived from food to keep us going throughout the day. Now, time to reconsider...